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然后我們來到了半山腰,半山腰的怪石可多了,有小猴型的,小猴的對面,就是一個又大又甜的桃子石頭,好像小猴很想吃大桃子的樣子呢!可愛極了!但更有趣的.是“仙人指路”仙人指路的一個手指指向右邊,我們向右望去,看到了一片一片的云海,美極了!怪石還有很多,都很有趣!游客們紛紛說“好!” 最后,我們來到了山頂,山頂有許多樹木,天空還有許多種云海,有一條直線的,有糖型的,有蛋糕型的。都很漂亮,從山頂往下看,一處處美景,都被游客盡收眼底了,黃山實在太美了!有的游客說:“黃山太美了,下次還要來呢!” 黃山很美麗希望游客們都能細細觀賞每一處景物!
"哎休,哎休......"現在我們已經處于黃山路程的中斷了,我們現在可以看清楚黃山一半的面目了,我們已經登了一個半小時,你們看看下面,有恐癥的不要看,可會把你嚇扒的喲! "啊!終于到了,游客們,你們看,近看,會看見一塊叫"飛來峰"的`石塊,只見"他"紋絲不動,他是怎么飛來的呢?真奇怪!眼看這石頭,只見"他"盤腿坐那,閉目養神,正在念經求佛呢!"用手摸一摸,很光滑,沒有一絲翹起,也沒有凹進,這可真是奇石啊!向南遠眺,還有很多千姿百奇態,各式各樣的奇石。有的翹起一只腿,把手勾在頭上,邊遮擋陽光,邊遠望,有的用手指著東方,這是仙人指路......今天,我們先露宿一夜,大家拿出自己的糧食,吃完了再搭帳篷,明天來看!
大家請看,黃山的松樹能在巖石縫中生存,生命力極強。它們形狀各異,姿態萬千。黑虎松、龍爪松、連理松、迎客松、陪客松、送客松等很多松樹都因為它們形狀而得名呢!迎客松是黃山著名的景點之一,外形是特別:它的樹干中部伸出長達7.6米的'兩大側枝伸向前方,恰似一位好客的主人,伸展雙臂,熱情歡迎海內外賓客來黃山游覽,成為中華民族熱情好客的象征。陪客松如同一個綠色的巨人站在那兒,在陪同游人觀賞美麗的黃山風光。送客松姿態獨特,枝干盤曲,游人把它比作 “天然盆景”。它向山下伸出長長的“手臂”,好像在跟游客依依不舍地告別。等會兒我們可以在那兒盡情地拍照,作為紀念。
I come from anhui province huangshan city rapidly, there is a special ancient culture of a county, because there are ancient city, called "huizhou city", where I felt the culture and the wisdom of the ancients, rapidly and we and the people adhere to the force of the protection of ancient cultural relics.
There's folk customs, however, is to let a person feel kind, the whole of China, every province, city, town, village, even though is the Chinese New Year, but each have each way, here I will say us how anhui New Year!
Because when I went to my hometown, it was already nearly thirty night, after a year 11 returned to thousand island lake, I was probably just this time we know what to do, so can only speak this period of time......
The laba day, it is learned. On that day, many people are married, and as the saying goes: "la seven laba day good, how many elder sister-in-law eldest sister-in-law." So the children ran after the car running, in order to get a bag of sweet.
In small New Year that day, all with a few tables, meet his guests in all directions, afternoon entertainment, begin to have supper, at four o 'clock until three in the evening, is by the child to fireworks.
If there a village of lost and in need of help, we can't call somebody else like this: "hello" and "ah", must first shout: "comrade", "friends", "old man", see somebody else's child in her arms, boast in children: "fat" and "strong", can't say: "fat" and "heavy". This is our taboo.
On the first day, it is us that one of the most busy days in the village, because every family got up very early, in order to see the show, in the small square in the village, there is full of people, willing to voluntary performances can go play, regardless of the poor is not poor, is good, has the prize.
Is these I know, I hope you can go to anhui to play!
Hello everyone, welcome to the Huang Shan Mountain who seems like fairyland on the earth. My name is Wang Ping, I’m from Anhui travel agency; you also can call me Xiao Wang. This is the driver Master Li who has a lot of experience; you can be assured of our traffic safety on the road. Next, I will do my best to provide warm and thoughtful service for everyone; I hope you will be able to actively cooperate with our work. If there is something wrong, please give me your suggestion. At the same time, I wish you have a pleasant tour today.
Let me briefly explain the Huang Shan Mountain. In Mount Huangshan we find all beauties of nature; it occupies an area of 1200 square kilometers in South Anhui Province. As a double entry on the list of UNESCO's Heritage of Culture and Nature,Huang Shan Mountain is one of the top ten national spots. And it is also the National 5A level scenic spot. Xu Xiake, a great Chinese traveler visited this place twice and left “behind you won't want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue, but you won’t wish to see even wu yue after returning from huangshan.”
There's a story behind the name of Huang Shan Mountain. Are you interested? Long long ago, Huangshan was called Yishan. In Tang Dynasty, the emperor Xuanzong ordered renamed Huangshan according folklore. This folklore said it was the place where Emperor Xuan Yuan attended the heaven in here. Huang Shan Mountain opens her generous arms to the guests from all over the world. It's well-known for its four wonders; do you know it?
The strange pines are unique. Huangshan pines are seen in every corner of Huang Shan Mountain. You will be amazed by their vitality and strength. The seeds fall into the crevices where they take root and grow with great vigor. So they become crooked and even downward. A representation of Guest-Greeting Pine, Guest-Goodbye Pine, Cushion Pine, Phoenix Pine and Chessboard Pine.
The Absurd Stones also are unique. Spectacular rocky peaks will inspire your imagination. Some look like human beings, birds, animals or many other objects, it makes the stones even more
fascinating when seen from different. It is amazing that every stone has its own fantastic legend.
Huang Shan Mountain is home to clouds and mists. The Sea of Clouds has a fairy tale beauty. Winter is the best season for this spectacle. According to their locations, the seas of clouds are divided into East Sea, South Sea, West Sea, North Sea and Sky Sea.
To be able to refresh yourself in the hot springs on Huang
Shan Mountain,it must be one of the best ways to enjoy and relax. Legend has it that Huang Di, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, bathed here 49 days before he ascend to heaven and became immoral.
Well, ladies and gentleman, our tour is coming to the end, thank you for your cooperation and support. In this way, please forgive me in unconsidered place. Finally, I wish you always happy and healthy.
Friends, hello!
Now our already arrived the Huangshan Mountain scenic spot southernregionstrategic place soup mouth. First introduces the HuangshanMountain scenery inhere to you the survey.
Huangshan Mountain, is located south the Chinese Anhui Province, istheChinese Nanling sierra the part, entire mountain areaapproximately 1,200 squarekilometers. The Huangshan Mountain mountainsystem center-section, is HuangshanMountain's essence are partial,also Huangshan Mountain scenic spot which musttour on us, areaapproximately 154 square kilometers. It within the boundariesofHuangshan Mountain city, south neighbour She county, Huizhou area,XiuningCounty and Yi Xian, north continually yellow mountainous area;These fivecounties, the area also all belong to the HuangshanMountain cityjurisdiction.
Huangshan Mountain in Chinese Tang Dynasty before is called黟themountain,黟is the black appearance, because on the mountain therock blue black is blueblack, the ancient gives it such name. Thefable we Chinese race's ancestor shaftYellow Emperor in completes thearea south of Yellow River to unify afterindustry, founds the Chinesecivilization, arrives here to pick the medicine tobuild up Dan, takesa bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment theimmortal.Tang Dynasty renowned Emperor Ming Huangli the prosperous baseextremelywill believe this view, (747 years) has gotten downtogether the imperial edictin Day Valuable six years,黟the mountain willchange name Huangshan Mountain.The meaning is, this mountain isYellow Emperor's mountain. From then on,Huangshan Mountain this nameone until now.
The friends, you are not far thousand, even Wan Lidao here, must lookatHuangshan Mountain with own eyes the America? Not is must feel atime of life tobe joyful? Yes, Huangshan Mountain is certainlybeautiful certainly beautiful,may say the day wonderful mountain, canascend a height to get a broad view it,has a look it with own eyes,truly is a life big happy event. Before the verylong long time, inthe long geologic history generation, the nature infinitestrength,has molded the Huangshan Mountain that certainly beautifulelegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes onefall,is elated.
Huangshan Mountain's America, first on beautifully in its high peak.Herecompetes Xiu, Feng Feng expresses admiration, respectively hasthecharacteristic, each charm. The Huangshan Mountain high peak hashow many, butalso does not have an accurate numeral. In the historysuccessively names has 36big peaks, 36 small peaks, recent years alsohad 10 famous peaks to be selected"the Huangshan Mountain Will". Thismore than 80 mountain peaks high overwhelmingmajority above theelevation kilometer, lotus flower peak is all highest (1,864meters),the light goes against is next (1,841 meters), the day all peak rankOldThree (1829.5 meters), these three big peaks and the graceful bearingoutstandingbeginning letter peak (1,683 meters), are HuangshanMountain's friends, even ifmounts in these four high peaks, alsocalculated No Empty This行.
Under, I "four certainly" separately make again Huangshan Mountainanintroduction.
Said Huangshan Mountain "four certainly", arranges at first working asisthe wonderful pine. Yellow pinus montana wonderfully in what place?First iswonderfully in it Does not have Compared to Obstinate Strong vitality, you sawhave had noalternative but to express admiration. Generally said that, everyhasthe earth the side to be able to leave the vegetation and the crops,but theyellow pine is long comes out from the hard yellow hillockrock. HuangshanMountain everywhere all is growing the pine tree,their long peak, the long sheerprecipice, is long in Deep Gully the glen,green and luxuriant, full of vitality.Since 1100, they were splitopen like this from the rock, the root deep deeplygripped in the rockseam, did not fear barren was arid, did not fear the wind andthundersleet, natural, unyielding. You can say is not wonderful? Next is,yellowpinus montana also wonderfully in it that unique naturalmodelling. Fromgenerally speaking, yellow pinus montana's needleshort and heavy dense, YeSenong green, the trunk and branches tunelives, crown flat, appears one kindsimply, steady, the vigorousimposing manner, but each pine tree, each pine tree,in theappearance, PostureAccommodates, is mad in the rhyme, also is each everydifferent,all some one kind of unusual America. The people according to themthedifferent shape and the charm, separately gave them to get up hasbeenappropriate from however the elegant interesting name, like received aguestthe pine, the black tiger pine, LiesDragon the pine, Long Zhuasong,searchesKorean pine, unity pine and so on. They are the HuangshanMountain wonderfulpine's representative.
The strange stone, is constitutes the Huangshan Mountain beautifulsceneryone "certainly". Everywhere all may see in Huangshan Mountainwonderful shapestrange rock, these strange stone appearancesinfinitely varied, some picturepeople, some picture thing, some havethe reflection certain myth fables and thehistorical story, lifelike,vivid were all interesting. In 121 famous stones,well-knownnesshigher some having "fly the stone", "immortal play chess", "themagpieascend the plum", "the monkey view sea", "immortal expose to the suntheboots", "the Penglai three islands", "the golden rooster arecalled the fontanel"and so on. These strange stones have are thecolossi, some marvelous exquisite;Some independences become thescenery, some are several combinations or with thewonderful pineingenious knot synthesis scenery. Also a strange stone becausewatchedthe position and the angle has changed, the appearance also hadthechange, has become stone two scenery, if "the golden rooster wascalled thefontanel" also to call "five old heavens all", "the magpieto ascend the plum"also to be called "immortal to refer to the road"is moves step trades thescenery the reason. Also some strangefactories, looked under the dissimilarcondition, can produce cannotassociation, thus also had the different name, if"the monkey viewsea" also is called "the monkey to look peace" then is.
Also cloud sea. Although also can see the cloud sea in the ChineseotherMingshan, but does not have to be able compared to on theHuangshan Mountaincloud sea such magnificent sight and fluctuatesinfinitely. Probably is thisreason, Huangshan Mountain also has othername, calls "Yellow Sea". Thiscertainly to be sure claims withoutjustification, has the history for the card.The Ming Dynasty has therenowned annals scientist's to name be Pan to bepermanent, has livedfor several dozens years in Huangshan Mountain, wrote 60volumes big部Head book -- Huangshan Mountain mountain wills, the book titlehascalled "Yellow Sea". Huangshan Mountain's some scenic areas, theguesthouseand the multitudinous landscape naming, all special "thesea" has the connectionwith this, some landscapes if watch in thecloud sea, can appear clearly, flavoralso foot. These also all provedthat, "Yellow Sea" this name is worthy of thename.
Finally, introduces the hot spring. Our Chang Jiang and the tour hotspringis FrontMountain Huangshan Mountain guesthouse hot spring, ancienttime calls thehot spring, gushes out from the purple pinnacle. Hotspring scenic area nameswhich with it, after enters the scenic areawhich the Huangshan Mountain southgate first arrives. Hot springwater volume sufficient, the water temperatureyear to year maintainsabout 42, the water quality is good, and includes to thehuman bodybeneficial mineral substance, has the certain medical value, totheskin disease, the rheumatism and the digesting system disease, reallyhas thecertain curative effect. But only can the bath, not be able todrink; Crosses thecloud to say it may drink uses, is unscientific.
Actually, the Huangshan Mountain hot spring continues. The slope folds嶂under the peak north Huangshan Mountain, but also some hot spring,calls theloose valley hut, ancient name tin spring. It with Shannan'sguesthouse hotspring contour interval 7.5 kilometers, elevation alsonear, the north and southare symmetrical, coordinate with each otheracross a great distance. This alsosufficed wonderfully. But becauseit is situated remote at present not to developthe use.
Besides "four certainly", Huangshan Mountain's waterfall, sunrise andsunsetglow, also is extremely the magnificent sight and lovely.
Huangshan Mountain, Shan Gaobei is steep, the brook rushes from themountaincanyon gushes out, flies from the steep valley clift fallswith, forms thewaterfall. "In the mountain night of rain, everywherehangs flies the spring", isthe Huangshan Mountain attentive vividportrayal. The Huangshan Mountainwaterfall are very many, magnificenthaving "Kowloon waterfall", "personcharacter waterfall" and "ropemade of twisted bamboo strips waterfall".
Huangshan Mountain four seasons distinct: Spring Qingfeng DropGreen jade,thewild flower is brilliant; Summer the cool piece, everywhere fliesthewaterfall; Autumn clear sky and fresh air, red leaves like rosy cloud;Thecold winter is SilverAttireElementBinds, the ice sculpture jade builds.HuangshanMountain truly is a traveling, the summer vacation, enjoysthe snow theexceedingly good destination.